Can I stay as a tourist for 180 days in a 12 month period or 180 days in a calendar year?

I have googled and checked a bunch of threads but can’t seem to find an answer to my problem, regardless of that I’m sorry if this is a repeat question or in the wrong place.

I have been in Tokyo on and off since October 2022 (roughly 3 months) my plan is to stay jan – march in 2023, take a small break and then stay april – june (around 180 days total), but what I can’t figure out is if this 180 days in 2023 will be affected by the 90 days I spent here at the end of 2022. The reason I’m staying is because I’m figuring out moving to Japan & currently applying for my visa.

Please let me know if anyone has prior experience.

I am aware the 180 day rule isn’t “official” but I don’t want to make any mistakes / do anything that could potentially affect my chance of getting a 1-3 year artist visa. Thanks.

  1. >I am aware the 180 day rule isn’t “official”

    It ***absolutely*** is official. It’s *the law*.

    Like u/Benevir said: It’s 180 days in a trailing 12 month period. So no, your plan will not work. When you try to do a visa run or renew your tourist visa (if you’re from a country that allows it) they will deny you entry/reject your extension.

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