I have reached 2000 words. What to change in my study plan?

Could you please correct my time consuming below?

I have around **4 hours** a day to learn Japanese. Now it take me around (each day):

1. Anki (only 2k6k) – **2.5** **hours** to learn 15 words.
2. Imersion (only anime with jp sub) – **1** **hour**.
3. Grammar (only Tae Kim) – **30 minutes**.

  1. No offence but that’s way too long on Anki a day for that number of cards. I do 20 new cards (plus 180+ reviews) and it takes me just under an hour and that’s on the slow side of average.

    Try speed through your cards, 10 seconds max on each card or click ‘fail’ & with that extra 1 hour 30 minutes each day, spend more time on immersing

  2. Spend less time on anki, preferably swap like 2 hours for immesion. That probably involves trying to rep faster, changing anki settings, reducing number of new cards (only if the first 2 fail to reduce enough).

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