I know google translate isn’t the best source, but this is still…. intresting

I know google translate isn’t the best source, but this is still…. intresting

  1. Hilarious translation, but unfortunately not completely accurate! Its hard to translate, but I would translate this as “the day Yoshi-Hashi spoke casually (to his seniors) despite not being drunk”.

    “Speaking casually” (tame-guchi) is basically a thing in Japan as they have very defined levels of politeness in the way you speak. Tame-guchi is basically the way you’d speak to your friends, but in hierarchical situations (like with a senior, your boss, etc) it can be viewed as being very impolite. We have the same thing in English as well, but it’s not really as noticeable as in Japanese as literally the way verbs are modified and the words you use are different, so the level of politeness you’re displaying is instantly apparent.

    Goto is just having a joke but because he’s Yoshi-Hashi’s senior and YH would usually speak to him in a polite way (unless he’s wasted), but that wasn’t the case this time.

  2. Yeah I’m pretty sure that’s machine translate being machine translate, lol. From what I can tell, Goto’s actually commenting on how talkative Tacos was and that he was being way more casual and frank than usual (he didn’t even use an honorific at the end of Goto’s name like I believe he usually does). So he was talking the way he would if he were a little drunk.

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