Any pure audio listening options that I can use on mobile?

What I’m looking for: free, longer duration (45min+), (preferably) beginner levels, and doesn’t require interaction with phone/active screen.

I’ve seen a lot of YT links in a lot of the posts, but I can’t do anything with my phone (including keeping the screen active) while on my motorcycle.

I’ve tried looking through NHK, but I can’t read very much Japanese yet (I’m working on it). I also have Pandora and Amazon Music, if anyone knows of anything from there.

I’m more than happy to answer any questions, thanks in advance!

  1. You’re probably looking for podcasts. Someone shared an awesome Google doc of their giant list of Japanese learning podcasts a while ago, you might be able to find it if you search in Reddit (sorry, I don’t have it on hand)

  2. if you have spotify, teppei is on it

    EDIT: looks like sakura tips is on it too, if you want something just a bit harder

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