how to quit a part time job you just started?

So, i went to Hello Work and they got me a cleaning job. At first, i thought that might be OK, but as soon as i started i realized i bit way more than i could chew.

First, the place has a faulty vaccuum cleaner that doesn’t clean anything.

Second, they want me to vaccum, brush and mop the whole place in just one hour.

Third, the place is too small and i am too tall, so my back is killing me and i have zero time to study.

Yes, i should had thought of that beforehand, but i was strapped for cash and took whatever was available. Right now, i’m looking for another part-time job, and once i find it, how should i quit?

Sorry if this has been asked beforehand!

  1. You can just straight up say you found a better job, no one can blame you for wanting better. Of course they might, but just ignore it.

  2. All valid reasons to quit. Even no reason is a valid reason to quit. If the people aren’t shitty just let them know the reasons and give them a small heads up that you’re leaving. If the people suck then just don’t show up. They’ll assume you quit and not care.

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