Is it me or is Japan overkill with heating?

Granted I don’t come from a super cold country but holy shit, heating in something like a cafe for even a warmer 14 degree day in Tokyo is unbearable. And people still wear jackets or sweaters.

Worst of all, they put heating in gyms and force us to wear masks during workouts. Is there no concept of a comfortable room temperature?

Conversely I find in summer the AC is blasting overkill in some places. Probably one of the most unlikable things in Tokyo

  1. One of the worst things about cooling and heating in public generally is that so many businesses like to leave the doors wide open in order to look open and appealing to customers, and so to compensate have the cooling set unbearably low and the heating unbearably high for anyone actually inside.

  2. It has been an ongoing arguement between me and my japanese wife for the last 8 years.
    Once temperature drops below 20 she will set the aircon heating to max, and I will wake up 7 hours later soaked on the outside and dried out on the inside.

    Most of my Tokyo friends are like this when I visit their homes. It’s terrible.

    If we lived in Hokkaido I could understand.

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