Should I do a 3 month study abroad program, or use that time/money to travel in Japan on my own?

So for a long time now I’ve been wanting to do a language study in Japan, and though it’s not worked out in the past, now I’m at a point where I can do it (I have the time, since my department at work was let go, and I’ve saved up as well), and have even paid some of the tuition. It would be nice to get out of my comfort zone, and make connections with new classmates, stay at a share house, etc.

The only thing is that now I’m debating on whether to cancel the language classes, and use the time and money I would’ve spent living in Tokyo to go explore Japan at my own pace (and possibly Korea or Vietnam) for a month or two instead. I’ve been to Japan years ago, and have travel experience elsewhere as well.

I’d eventually like to move to/live in Japan longer term, but probably well further down the line. Regardless, I want to make language learning a higher priority this year, but it would be more for personal gain than business right now. Trying to figure out next steps in life atm as well.

Thank you for any advice! 🙏🏼

1 comment
  1. Your last paragraph kind of answers the question for yourself doesn’t it? You want to focus on learning the language. You can still travel around Japan while doing classes, it’s not like you’re tied to your share house. From Tokyo you can get to plenty of places very easily and cheaply.

    Why not both?

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