A Cows Milk question

At the risk of sounding stupid ( apologies in advance) when I use google translate on the milk cartons most say raw milk and umhomogenised,
I always believed that to be not good for your health? I wouldn’t usually mind but just double checking as my wife is pregnant.

Should I stick to almond milk or the like instead ?


  1. If you look at the side of milk cartons, you almost always can find the method of killing germs. but they also tell you to consume it reasonably fast.

  2. I am pretty sure that it is not possible to sell raw milk. It probably says “made from 100% raw milk.”

    In the label, it should say something like “殺菌:130℃ 2秒間” which shows how long the milk was pasteurized.

  3. It’s because there are a number of other types of “milk” in Japan, most notably Nyuinryo, which isn’t made from 100% milk but other shite is added. Probably everybody has bought this by mistake at some point thinking it was milk, because it is disguised as milk. If you don’t see 100% raw milk on the packet, don’t buy it.

    Reminds me of “Malk” from the Simpsons.

  4. I don’t think you can buy raw milk in a Japanese supermarket, so the translator is wrong.

    Non-homogenised means that its fat was not trashed into tiny pieces so that cream can form easily. It has nothing to do with being raw or not.

    Non-pasteurised, that is raw milk, is milk which wasn’t heated to kill bacteria and fungi, and it can be risky for pregnant women, although it isn’t unhealthy per se. Either way, you can’t buy it anyway, so there’s no need to worry.

    What you should watch out for is cheese made of raw milk.

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