Hello, can somebody help me?

Ohayou Gozaimasu, Sensei!
Hajime Mashite.
Minnasan, watashi no namai wa Joy desu.
Joy to yonde kudasai.
Hatachi desu.
Firipinjin shusshin desu.
Genzai, Iloilo ni sundeimasu!
Ima, WVSU’s no kango gakusei desu!
Hai, hajime mashou!

Is this okay for introducing myself?

  1. A few points.

    So long as your name and what you want to be called are the same, no need for the “to yondekudasai”. For example, I always use my nickname, since my actual name is a little difficult to pronounce correctly in japanese- therefore, I often use “to yondemasu”, or rather its more formal version of “to moshimasu”

    Second, you would break “Firipinjin shussin desu” into two separate parts. The first is literally “I’m a Filipino person”; shussin is used for WHERE you’re from. In fact, you could just say “Filipines shussin desu”

    Last point: you want to end with “yoroshiku onegaishimasu” rather than “hajime mashou”. The former sounds more polite and is best used in self-introductions.

  2. First of all, I’d like to know whom are you addressing? To whom you are introducing yourself? What is your role here?

  3. 1. “先生、おはようございます”. “皆さん、はじめまして” Put the addressee’s name first then greeting.
    2. Tell your complete name first “私の名前は○○ジョイです” then say “ジョイと呼んでください”. Or you can say “○○ジョイと申します” (for polite introduction).
    3. It’s “フィリピン”. So, you can say “フィリピン人です” or “フィリピン出身です”. Don’t say “フィリピン人出身です”. It’s incorrect.
    4. End intro with ” よろしくお願いします”.

  4. Along with the advice the others gave, here’s a couple of nitpicks.

    It should be みなさん (minasan), not みんなさん (minnasan). It’s pronounced differently when it has an honorific attached.

    「名前」is pronounced なまえ (namae), not なまい (namai).

  5. >Firipinjin shusshin desu. Genzai, Iloilo ni sundeimasu!

    I would rewrite this as: “Firipinjin ~~shusshin~~ desu. ~~Genzai,~~ Iroironi sundeimasu!” 「フィリピン人です。イロイロに住んでいます。」

    As others have pointed out, Firipinjin means Filipino, not Philippines so it’s wrong to say that you live in Filipino. You can either say “firipinjin desu” [I’m Filipino] or “firipin shusshin desu” [I’m from the Philippines. Genzai in the next sentence seems redundant to me….. and Iloilo would be pronounced Iroiro.

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