Placements are coming out! Are you happy with where you are?

Ibaraki prefectural jet incoming 👌

  1. I got Niigata-shi. I’m very excited I love the idea of living by a shipping Harbor. I wanted urban so I’m very happy about being in the city.

  2. I’m gonna be in Aomori-ken which has the largest snowfall in the world soooo not really happy about that. My town is super small with 4,182 people to be exact, but I know I’ll make it work! It’ll definitely be an experience

  3. I’m a Fukuoka-ken prefectural CIR! I’ve never been to Kyushu so I’m super excited to check it out. Though I do hope I’ll get to be in Fukuoka-shi.

  4. Kochi-Ken! If anybody knows more about this placement please feel free to reach out.

  5. Tokyo-to! I kind of feel like I won the lottery, and then I remember the cost of living…

    On the whole I’m incredibly excited, and being in a huge city with an international community and a gay scene does feel like a bit of a safety net since I’ve been nervous about whether I’ll make friends lol. Excited to meet the other Tokyo-bound folks!

  6. Tokyo-to! I was expecting an inaka placement because everyone told me Tokyo was hard to get, so it wasn’t even on my mind. Extremely grateful to be going back there!!!

  7. Hello! I’m going to be in Isumi-shi in the Chiba Prefecture. I’m a little disappointed since I wanted to be in a more urban city, but I’m also excited to explore a new place, it does look very beautiful. Was anybody else placed here?

  8. I’ll be in Murakami, Niigata! It’s not where I requested, but I’m super excited all the same 😻💖

  9. I am! I got Tako-machi in Chiba! Not the prefecture I requested and it is a bit more rural than I was hoping, but I’m excited to experience something new! I also love how close it is to Tokyo without being too urban.

  10. Not happy about my placement because I’m going to Aomori:( and it’s cold . Honestly weighing my options rn.

  11. I got Tokyo, specifically a private school in Chiyoda. Was fully expecting and hoping Inaka placement, but researching the school makes me super excited and there will be lots to do there and plenty of ways to travel.

  12. Anyone in Sapporo or Hokkaido at large? Hit me up! We have a great JET community here.

  13. I got Omi-Mura in Nagano-Ken! A bit nervous about a rural placement because I don’t drive but it seems very accessibly by JR so I’m excited about exploring! 1hr to Matsumoto and Nagano city and 2 hrs to Tokyo!

  14. Minamisatsuma-shi in Kagoshima-ken for me. I’m excited to explore southern Kyushu, loved the northern part when I was in Beppu 🥰

  15. Are y’all finding out from your consulates? It’s past the business hours for mine, so does that mean I have to wait until Monday? The wait is killing me!!!!

  16. I haven’t had results yet but where I’m from only 1 person is chosen and that person always go to Shimoneski Yamaguchi prefecture, so the only surprise would be whether or not I’m shortlisted 😀

  17. I got a city in Kyuushu. I’m excited cuz I googled it an it’s lovely and the rent is cheap in that area. Not looking foward to Kyuushu heat. I know what it’s like because I studied abroad in Okinawa.

  18. I was placed in Mie-ken, Yokkaichi-shi! Excited to be in a more southern port city near the ocean and Nagoya. It seems like there’s a good amount of fellow Southern Californians also there because of a sister city program!

    The large factory view that shows up for a lot of the google images is a bit oppressive though. 😅

    If you have any thoughts on my placement please let me know! Excited to join the Mie prefecture community! 😄

  19. I got placed in what looks like Tosashimizu, Kōchi. Little worried about how isolated it is and not being able to visit other parts of Japan easily.

  20. It’s all starting to feel more real! I was placed in Miyagi (one of my requests!) in Kesennuma. I had never heard of that city before today but it seems like an incredibly resilient and neat place to live. It reminds me of my college town (also a port city!) so I’m sure I’ll feel somewhat comfortable. Already connected with another JET coming into the same city! It’s all coming together! I’m also already imagining weekend trips to Sendai lol

  21. Gunma over here! I’m quite happy with my placement. I am in a city. It looks like Gunma has a lot of activities and sites to see. It also has decent transportation since I’m in a city.

    These are all the things I wanted in a placement. I didn’t request Gunma, but so far it feels like a good fit!

  22. If anyones been placed with Musashino University feel free to reach out!! Or anyone on Tokyo in general I’m happy to give advice and answer questions!

  23. If anyone gets placed in Gifu(anywhere but especially Toki!) lemme know! Toki is expecting 2 new jets 🙂

  24. I got a small coastal town in Kochi-ken! I’m looking forward to it but it’s not at all what I expected. Still, I’m really excited to try some new things and branch out of my comfort zone. Also in search of a Shikoku group chat if there is one!

  25. I got a small coastal town called Suzu-shi in Ishikawa-ken. If anyone is out there let me know! Not at all what I expected but looking forward to the adventure!

  26. so far, i am! seems like i will have easy access to nagoya and tokyo. shizuoka city wasn’t even on my radar, but i’m feeling optimistic!!

  27. If you’ve been placed in a private school in Chiyoda, Tokyo, feel free to drop me a line 👍 I’m a current JET looking for my successor so I can give you some hints/tips and I don’t think the school will give me my successors details 😅

  28. I’ll be in Ichinomiya-machi in Chiba-ken. Looking forward to exploring the sights and growing accustomed to a small town that boarders the coast.

  29. I’m very happy! I put rural on my application but I ended up regretting it and was scared to be put in the middle of nowhere and isolated. Luckily I got Fujieda in Shizuoka, which was my first preference! Super surprised I was that lucky, and seems I have a perfect middle ground about about 145k population.

    Please reach out to lmk about the prefecture or city!

  30. I was placed in Shizuoka-shi and I am very happy with it! It wasn’t one of my preferences, so I am kind of shocked with how good of a fit it is for me. I wanted to be in a mid-sized city with easy access to nature/mountains (I am a nature girl but I don’t drive and so I want to be able to walk/bike places) and fairly centrally located for travel and to see friends. So it seems like almost a better fit for me than the places I chose!

  31. I got Shizuoka-ken, and I’m pumped! I requested Nagoya or Hyogo so Shizuoka wasn’t even a place I’d considered, but after just a bit of googling, I think it’s perfect 🥰

  32. I got placed in Miyagi prefecture (Natori-shi). So if anyone else is there and needs a buddy, I’m here (:

  33. Surprised to not see a single Fukushima placement so far! Happy to answer questions if you’re headed that way.

  34. I got fukuoka, which was my top choice!! I’m so excited. ill be in tagawa

  35. I got Shiga, Higashiomi! I’m excited to be near Lake Biwa and it seems like there is a decent mix of city and rural areas! 😀

  36. Prefectural ALT in yamagata-ken :^) I have my driver’s license but virtually no driving experience (have lived in cities whole life and never owned car / not driven really beyond practicing for / taking drivers test). Anyone know what driving expectations are usually like for yamagata prefectural ALTs?

  37. I got placed in Yamaguchi-ken. A little worried about how rural it is, but still looking forward to it!

  38. Just found out I’ll be in a small coastal town in Hokkaido about 3 hours from Sapporo. I wish it had train access, but it otherwise looks beautiful!

  39. Is there anymore Suzu placement people out there? Would love to make a Line or Discord to connect with everyone!

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