Are there any Japanese Language Poets here?

I joined a 短歌 poetry club about three years ago, and I’ve been writing (mostly bad) poems in Japanese since. As far as I know I’m the only non-Japanese Japanese language poet in my prefecture. I’ve searched online to see who else is out there, but asides from really famous people like カン・ハンナ I haven’t really found anyone else.

I’ve researched and penned around with losts of different fixed verse Japanese poems like 俳句、川柳、都々逸、琉歌、今様歌、and 段駄羅, but I enjoy Tanka the most. Tanka poetry has far less rules than Haiku, and they’re longer (5-7-5-7-7) so there’s more freedom in writing. My club’s teacher is 94 and still writes pretty amazing stuff, and he’s been writing Tanka for 70+ years. I wish more people knew about Japanese poetry, but it is hard to get into at first.

  1. 薔薇は赤い




    Does that count?

  2. かつてナンタケット出身の男がいました。




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