UK JETS still waiting?

Firstly guys congrats to everyone who got the placement they wanted!! Was just checking if any UK JETS found out their placement today/yesterday or if they’re still unsure? I’m guessing the Jubilee/Bank Holiday has meant Monday will be our big day but just wanted to double check for this guys paranoid peace of mind haha.

Lastly I was wondering if its worth emailing JET regarding the Accident and Insurance Form deadline if we receive it past the 8th, or if its now a given that we’ll receive them on Monday so shouldn’t worry.

Thanks guys!

1 comment
  1. also an incoming UK JET here! i wouldn’t worry about the form, we can’t exactly do anything on our end and they know that. seems like they always have issues with releasing placements and the date of this form submission every year tbh

    also, same, no placement details as of yet. so far in terms of hearing info from the UKJET office, we seem to hear things very last minute like 4pm on the day of.. and it’s usually an email with typos lmao.. guess we’ve gotta just sit and be patient

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