How to sell/get rid of IT test prep books quickly?

I have a lot of IT books for previous exams that I don’t need anymore. The are big and take up a lot of space so I want to get of them.
Back in the US, I would just sell my used books on Amazon and that was simple.
People tell me to use Mercari here, but it seems like such a hassle, and the nightmore stories I see on this subreddit are stopping me from doing so. Also I live in the inaka, so it makes it a bit harder to sell these books.

So what is the fastest way to get rid of these big English IT books? It doesn’t matter if I get a few pennies, or nothing at all. Are there any stores or libraries that will take them? Is there a way to donate them?
Or is there an easier way to sell besides Mercari.

Any advice would be great. Thanks

  1. What books do you have? I’d be happy to pay postage for them depending on what you have

  2. English-language IT books test prep books that will soon be obsolete?

    Use them as kindling during the cold winter months.

  3. There’s also Yahoo Auctions, but it’s the same as Mercari. It doesn’t matter if you live in inaka, as long as there is a conbini to ship from.

    And yes, you could ask in a library if they would take them.

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