Rapid onset of Covid symptoms

Is this a thing? 36 hours seems rather short to me.

My student came to class on Wednesday morning after close exposure (her husband and two kids were sick at home with Covid). The classroom is usually well ventilated but that particular day it wasn’t.

Last night and this morning several of my colleagues called in sick. I’ve been terribly ill all day. I can’t get to the clinic because I can’t stand upright, can’t dress myself, have to crawl to the toilet. I won’t bother calling the public health center because I know from experience that they’ll just tell me to stay at home (and it’s not like I can do otherwise).

Anyone else experience this?

  1. Drink water, take meds for symptoms and if it gets really bad go to the doctor. Just like the flu.

  2. The problem is, you don’t usually know *exactly* where you caught it from. Covid usually shows ~~5-6 days after contact, rarely as little as~~ *in 2.5 days* (correction), ~~so while it might be your student and you’ve all got a new rapid super strain, you probably all got it from somewhere else…~~

    There’s not much point wondering if it was *that* student, when it could have been an asymptomatic one on Monday, or someone at the supermarket, conbini, on the bus, on the train… Look after yourself regardless.

    edit: incorrect info

  3. The median number of days until symptoms show up for the Omicron variant is around 2.6 days. Not at all surprising if you start to get symptoms after 36 hours.

  4. Definitely possible with newer strains. As another poster said, incubation is getting shorter and shorter with new variants, and is under 3 days median now. I have known people who started experiencing symptoms in as little as 24 hours.

  5. Hung out with a friend who unknowingly was in the early stages of covid on a Sunday and Monday and I became ill by Tuesday afternoon. The incubation period is can be very short now.

  6. My husband started showing symptoms Saturday and tested positive on Sunday. We self isolated and I had cough and a runny nose but my sense of smell and taste were there (my husband lost his around Monday) so I hoped I was okay because we self quarantine and never get close to each other and sanitize everything we touch but this morning I woke up with no sense of smell and very muted taste. I swear it’s driving me crazy… this was the one thing I feared the most. Should I just share the room with him then since we both have it anyway?

  7. Yea it’s a thing, what’s funny is friend of mine was exposed Friday, I was exposed Saturday and then we both got sick on Monday but “fully recovered” by Thursday.

  8. Are we at the peak of a new wave? It’s hard to know what’s going on anymore, now that they don’t publish numbers.

  9. I started feeling something last Friday night, and by Saturday morning I was feeling awful.

    At the time I was thinking that it might have just been a cold because I didn’t have the energy to go get a test.

    Now I’m ok. I had the shivers, headache, sore throat, runny nose, a cough (I still have this), and my body felt like I got isekaied, and It failed.

  10. My boyfriend got covid
    , mild case, and it went from hurt throat to sleeping nearly 24 hours other than to eat within a day.

    I never ended up getting it though I was in close proximity. I only left the house twice to get food anyways in case I was a carrier.

    Take care. Took my bf about two weeks to get over e initial symptoms hump. he did go to the hospital. They gave him medicine and it made his farts stink to high heaven. Which he didn’t notice until the last few days because he lost his sense of smell for the first week and a half.

    I very much noticed.

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