Is there any benefit to making sentence flashcards?

On this website I use called kanshudo I’ve been using flashcards to memorize words but the site also has example sentences. I just remembered you can make flashcards out of these as well. Is there any benefit to making flashcards out of sentences? if so what?

  1. Memorizing words when used in the context of a sentence in my experience at least has helped me remember them better.

  2. I make word that append with definition and usage sentence flashcards.

    Cuz I realized I can remember words but I won’t remember how to put them in context.

  3. It eliminates ambiguity, which can be a big deal considering plenty of words have multiple meanings.

  4. This is often recommended in Japanese learning subs but the SLA research on it is shaky. Dutch SLA researcher Jan-Arjen Mondria notes that learning words in context can help in retaining them but warns that it also “may result in a learner knowing the word only in that context, or worse: not even recognizing the word outside that context”.

  5. The way Japanese sentence construction works is *very* different from English, and there’s also a huge mismatch in what nouns and particles pair up with what verbs. Just studying word meanings isn’t going to help you create a sensible sentence, so yes, it’s hugely beneficial to learn them in context.

  6. I know it’s not exactly the same, but in American spelling bees you can ask for the word in question to be used in a sentence to help give context to what your hearing.

    It’s kind of the same with learning a language, where the more ways you can use a word or concept (such as grammar) the quicker it will stick in your brain.

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