Worried about visa renewal

Hello , I’m worried about my Visa renewal ,
I will explain context , I’m student in a Senmon Gakkou I have a student visa , it’s been renewed for only 5 months because my attendance rate was about 77%
I don’t know my presence rate now but it must be higher than 80% but close to it I got health problems .
I want to precise than my presence rate was under 80% because I got corona and have been absent for 2weeks and school told me I would not be counted as absent but got absent anyway .
I already found a job and I graduate in March 2023.
My teacher say it’s probably ok but I need to be sure not “probably”.
Anyone know if this is really ok if I have a paper with wrote the reason of my absence and the certificate of employment?
It’s looks like immigration don’t really care about reason and just look attendance rate
Thank you

  1. You should be fine as long as you have a reason for your absence.
    Last year, I renewed my visa. Had two months where my assistance rate was 79% because of the vaccine side effects and apartment searching. All they asked me when renewing my visa was to write the reason in a paper and that’s it.

  2. Worrying about it isn’t going to change the result. Submit your renewal, and whatever happens is going to happen.

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