Nagano City Council draws flak for deciding to shut down a local children’s park after just ONE household complained of noise despite neighbourhood generally not minding the sound of children playing

Nagano City Council draws flak for deciding to shut down a local children’s park after just ONE household complained of noise despite neighbourhood generally not minding the sound of children playing

  1. This really takes the cake and gets my blood boiling when hearing about this news.

    Now I accept that everybody has their own tolerance levels when it comes to the noises from little brats playing. And said tolerance levels also changes depending on the environment. e.g. I’d go bonkers at babies crying and screaming in planes, but I wouldn’t really mind children in a nearby park playing.

    But if you’re in the bloody minority regarding this children’s park, build your own noise barrier instead of forcing the entire community to suffer because of your own snowflake intolerance to these kids playing.

    Equally ridiculous is Nagano City Council for the typical Japanese response of overdoing the remedy after just one or two complaints. Not to mention this is yet another case of “Silver Democracy” at work here, where the government seemingly cares more about the interests of the aging and retired voter at the expense of the welfare of children and young people.

  2. What happened to “no special treatment” ? This is the perfect occasion to tell that household to piss off.

  3. I think the city was going to shut down the park in the first place, whether the elderly complained or not, because most parks are losing money on maintenance and other costs. This old man was just used to avoid the city of responsibility.

  4. This is what happens when there is a shortage of children in the country, you get annoyed by them playing or simply existing because it’s unusual

  5. Either I’ve been oblivious of things like this for quite a while now, or this is a first where the power of a few overpowered the many in Japan in a… questionable yet negligible way? Just… why?

    I’m mad *for* the kids and parents who just want their kids to be kids while they’re still at that age. I don’t even have children of my own, but holy shit. Yes, I’m mad.

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