Dependent visa holders needs more working hours

Hi community! Here’s the thing… We happily married in Japan last year (yaaay) but we’re both foreigners (ohhh…)

I have working visa, so I got last year for my husband the dependent visa since he was going back to study abroad with the hope to be sent back to Japan in an internship. Finally… he got it! He was chosen! But Japan is not that easy.

He has to “work” (do the internship) a total of 40h a week but right, his visa doesn’t allow him to do more than 28h. We are desperate since we have no idea what to do. The degree in charge says he better rejects the internship after all but of course… who studies nine months day and night to accomplished his wish and then reject it?

He will come in January and has to start right away, but they will not allow him to do it with the dependent visa… do you have any idea what he can do?

Thanks in advance!

  1. Could not just the place where he is going to do his intership just sponsor him an adapted visa ?

  2. The internship place should be able to help sponsor the visa (or at least provide any documents that can help the visa change application should they ask you/your husband to go to the immigration office to submit the application yourselves).

    If they are willing to sponsor, try to negotiate:

    1. Him doing max 28hrs per week until the visa gets changed, or

    2. ask the internship place to possibly delay the start date until the visa gets changed, or

    3. he could come in earlier than January so that he has time to do the application (and hope for a successful result) before the internship starts

    If they are not willing to sponsor, try to make a VERY GOOD case why they should. If they still won’t budge, you might be out of luck.

  3. It should be possible that they sponsor a trainee visa. If all other or better options fail, check the working holiday visa. Main restrictions are younger than 30 (before 31th birthday) and it’s only available for certain nationalities (that also allow Japanese to do WH there).

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