career choices for japan.

Hello all, I have a question about what major would help me find a job in Japan as a foreigner. I’m currently in school to get my degree In finance but I’ve also had an interest in computer information systems. Which degree would help me in finding a job in Japan? Also if someone had a psychology degree, would they be able to find a job with that In Japan? Thank you again in Advance!

1 comment
  1. >Also if someone had a psychology degree, would they be able to find a job with that In Japan?

    Why do people who are interested in psychology also want to live here. If every psych major that wanted to live in Japan got a job in the field we’d run out of couches for people to lay on.

    To answer your question: you can do basically any white collar job if your Japanese is good and you have work experience. Low level tech and teaching jobs have the lowest bar to entry.

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