Reading of “生” from ChatGBT

I have been playing around with ChatGBT and I asked it to write me a haiku in Japanese to which it responded with “生と死の輪、うつろいゆくもの、命は流れ” it did not offer any furigana but the romanji for the first line was “ikioi to shi no wa”
Is ikioi a reading of 生? I couldn’t find much by googling

  1. Hehe


    -The haiku you have written is a contemplative poem that explores the themes of life and death. The first line of the haiku, “生と死の輪” (sei to shi no wa), can be translated as “the circle of life and death,” referring to the cyclical nature of life and the inevitability of death. The second line, “うつろいゆくもの” (utsuroi yuku mono), can be translated as “changing things,” and it suggests that everything in life is fleeting and impermanent. The third line, “命は流れ” (inochi wa nagare), can be translated as “life flows,” and it suggests that life is constantly moving and flowing, like a river. Overall, the haiku is a powerful and thought-provoking poem that encourages readers to reflect on the impermanence of life and the cycles of birth and death.

  2. >6-8-6

    My dude, it’s not even senryu, let alone haiku.

    The AI was asked to do a 100m sprint, and opened by flopping *backwards*.

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