Jake Lee leaving All Japan at the end of the year

Jake Lee leaving All Japan at the end of the year

  1. Feel free to take this down if you don’t think this is relevant enough to Njpw.

    But I’d say there is a decent chance njpw could pick up Jake Lee alot of Njow guys have sung his praise and said they’d want him in njpw.

    I put this in rumour but the source is Tokyo Sports so I assume it’s legit

  2. Came here to post this. I think he is coming to Nooj. In the recent Dradition Fujinami ppv, he teamed with Zack Sabre and someone else I’m forgetting. Also Suzuki hinted at a new member joining in. So Jake Lee to SZKG I’m guessing

  3. NJPW would be a great spot for him. His size is going to make him stand out in the midcard. He can have good matches in the NEVER scene.

    He’ll be like another SANADA. Two handsome losers who shouldn’t be main eventers.

  4. The article also notes that in addition to Jake Lee, several other top AJPW stars are expected to announce their departures too. I’m not familiar enough with AJPW to know who those might be outside of Miyahara, but I doubt he leaves when hes the ace of the company.

    New Japan should absolutely pick up him up. They desperately need some new Japanese stars (I know Lee technically isn’t Japanese) for their home market. If covid taught them anything, it’s that they’ve relied too heavily on the fly in guys to draw.

  5. Naoya Nomura, Zeus, and Koji Iwamoto all left at around the same time last year. It also sounds like Jake Lee won’t be the only one leaving this year. It all sounds like bad news for All Japan.

  6. As someone who doesn’t know AJPW besides some history and some names (Jake Lee and Miyahara mainly) what are some good Jake Lee matches?

  7. I really like Jake Lee. I thought he was a great wrestler before his heel run but after that he is really one of the top males in Japan. Its a shame his injuries and bad booking left AJPW in the place they are now.

    I don’t know if I want him in NJPW where he would probably be mid card and only reach a height like Goto. I’d rather he go to NOAH where he would be put in the main title scene right away and have a lot more opportunities especially since the Muto retirement tour is ending soon.

    A better get for NJPW if AJPWs roster is available would be Yuma Aoyagi and Atsuki Aoyagi.

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