Changing jobs and visa status of residence timeline

I apologize if this question has been asked before, but I couldn’t find a satisfying answer in previous threads.

I am planning to start a new job March 1st under a visa status of residence different from the one I have now. My current job would theoretically end February 28th (unless I quit prior to that). What would be the timeline for applying to change my visa status?

From what I understand, I could apply for a change in status around 4 weeks before my current job ends, granted I have a new job offer and some sort of proof from my current employer that my job will in fact end February 28th. Then, I would pick up my new residence card on February 28th.

In this scenario, should my new residence card not be ready by February 28th, couldn’t I ask for permission to work at my new job until it arrives?

Old posts seem to have conflicting answers to these two points (whether you can apply before your current job ends and whether you can start your new job while waiting for the application to clear), so I wonder if someone could provide a definitive response.

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