Nissan Caravan vs. Toyota Hiace ?

I notice that similar features, age and km. slightly used Caravans run about 1 mil. cheaper than Hiaces. Is it that big a difference in the quality of build? I’d prefer the Toyota, but it’s quite a difference. What say u motorheads?

  1. Not much difference in quality of materials, but Hiace will last more and more importantly, it will keep its value a lot better.

  2. I had a lite-ace for maybe 10yrs always lusted after the hi-ace. I think the diesels are being discontinued, availability narrowed–if you’re buying new be quick.

    Be aware that hi-aces are pretty high frequency stolen.

  3. Hiaces have a bullet-proof rep. If you’re not going to drive a million kilometers then buy the Caravan.

  4. Hiace engine will last forever, Caravan will last 2/3 of forever.

    Hiace has much more road noise, Caravan has better AC.

    Hiace, small things will break like the door lights might not light up unless the doors are completely open etc.

    Caravan has a bigger petrol tank. Hiace has better milage.

  5. Hiace gang for life, once you purchase a hiace you also get inducted into a cool guy hiace Club and learn the secret wave.

  6. One of my driving lesson instructors told me that Toyota Hiaces are one of the most commonly stolen types of vehicles, so make sure you lock it.

  7. I’ve got a hiace, they are the standard for work vans and there are endless customizations for them. I bought mine secondhand and I could probably sell it now 3 years later for about the same.

  8. Hiaces are diesel, right? Are caravans the same? Dieel engines last longer so it may be a key point in their longevity

  9. Pretty much all the paragliding schools I go to have Hiaces (or sometimes Delica) to ferry people between takeoff and landing, usually across very dodgy roads (or dirt roads, or kind of a forest path where you’d be crazy to drive) – and of course with elevation change. I have never seen one use a Nissan Caravan. If durability is a priority, Toyota seems the better choice.

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