Best way to remember Kanji and where to start?

I have learned hiragana and katakana and I know a few kanji’s and sentences, I know how some of the particles work and I can type out a few things in Japanese. Basically, my plan was that I would have learned enough Japanese when I can understand most of the posts I see on Twitter lol (I have a Japanese Twitter account cause I heard people should try to talk to other people in the language you want to learn) ANYWAYS the problem obviously is I don’t know half of the kanjis I see or what reading I should use for them. I think I’m going at a very slow pace than what I wish I would be going at and I can’t help but feel like I’m not using the right methods. My main question is, should I be learning kanji by just memorizing them? (which is what I have been doing so far) or should I learn the radicals and then use those? but I tried that and it didn’t help very much, it made it more confusing lol. Or at least which kanji should I learn first or just where should I go from here? sorry if this is vague or a stupid question.

  1. “best way” is fairly often debated here

    The side bar has a few recommendations

    Main ways are:

    * KKLC buy The Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Course which is a book

    * RTK “Remembering the Kanji” which is a book

    * Wanikani: spend some money and get a sub to this website which has a fancy interface

    * spend no money and go to this website which has a plain interface

    * rote memorization: write kanji a lot of time until you memorize it. Requires paper and writing utensil.

  2. learn words. as you need new kanji, remember them in the context of that word. take it slow, there’s no rush to memorize them all. even natives take until the end of middle school to learn most of the ones you’d need to read books and newspapers.

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