Can other 転職Agent contact the company that I’m about to get in and ruin my chance of getting a job?

Hi! This is my first post and English is not my first language , please forgive me if its sound complicated.

I know it’s a silly question, but I’m worried about the stupid thing I just did.

I used 2 Agents for the 転職. (Lets say Agent A and Agent B)
I decided to go with the company from Agent B (already got 内定 and the e-mail directly from the company about 入社案内 said I can start working next March)

So I called Agent A and told the guy that I got a job now and would like resign from interview etc.
He suddenly asked for the company that I’m about to get in 、and I told them the name of a company.(内定をもらった会社の社名を言ってしまった)

He suddenly went to the website , and said its look like a good company and better than the one he is introducing me.
wish me luck and end the call.

Still, I’m worried.

Q : now that he knows the website, would he contact the company and said bad thing about me that could ruin my chance of getting a job?

here is a scenario in my head :
Agent A contact my soon to be new Company → the company contact me and said “why would u let the third person know, this is not professional and we changed our mind”

Thank you so much for your time.

  1. That scenario sounds insane to me, even more so if your new company withdraws the offer based on that. Is that something common in your country?

  2. I say this in the kindest way possible. Your getting close to needing to buy a tin foil hat.

    I have met some good recruiters and some bad recruiters, but never petty recruiters like that. It wouldn’t pay for him to do that. Not like you would continue to work with him, reputable companies would work with him if it got out, many recruiters try to work on relationships so you go to them again- even if this time didn’t work out, and I would be pissed at getting cold called by some recruiter that I wasn’t working with if I was the company.

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