Anyone able to confirm which deity this statue is of? (taken in Mt. Hachiman by taeliac-stock)

Anyone able to confirm which deity this statue is of? (taken in Mt. Hachiman by taeliac-stock)

  1. One of the Niō-sama (仁王様) or guardian deity of the Buddha. You can find the exact one (Similar looking) in Nankobo temple, Ehime. Google “Nankobo Temple” and just scroll down on the images section.

  2. I think it is 毘沙門天- bishamonten, I don’t think it’s Nio like the other commenter said due to the belt, hair and hand posture. The hair piece and facial hair are other reasons I think it’s bishamonten.

    Although even if it’s bishamonten the hand posture still intrigues me on this one, bc you often see him holding something in his other hand.

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