Issues with online resident extension

Sorry if this has been somewhere but my search didn’t give any results.

So I tried using the online resident extension portal for the first time and thanks to some other posts here managed to set all up. The issue is that I when I came to the site to upload my material the size was to big so I had to resize them the next day as I had to do that on my personal PC (doing extension from company pc after getting green light since it seems that immigration hates any other OS besides Windows). So the session obviously timed out when I had all the material but I did not submit in the first place since you have to do so after all uploads are done (it even says so in a warning on the upload screen).
So when I started from the login again and filled out everything it says on the last screen that should lead to the upload section:

” WZBAM118E : You cannot submit a new application since your previous application is currently being processed ”

A look into the immigration guide did not seem to help much as it just said the same:

WZBAM118E 前回の申請が処理中のため新たな申請を行えません。 前回の申請処理完了後に申請してください。

Now there seems to be no option to continue previous process. So I’m extremely puzzled how to work this out and I am afraid that immigration just got a half baked application with tons of missing information/documents (despite not submitting).

Did anyone have the same issue? How did you work around it?
Planning also to reach immigration tomorrow during my break but if anyone could give pointers on how to resolve this before that would be much appreciated.

  1. Yeah my advice is to go into immigration in person.

    I can’t imagine trusting something as important as visa extension to that piece of shit online portal.

  2. I love how in trying to make life easier by moving things online, immigration has somehow managed to come up with something that is infinitely more complicated and frustrating than just visiting an immigration office.

    I’d say go to your nearest office with all your completed paperwork, especially if you’re near to your deadline. It’ll save you a lot of time. Alternatively, if your budget allows, hire a 行政書士 to go and submit everything on your behalf.

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