Where Can I Find Snow This Time Of The Year In Japan?

Just as the title says, was hoping to see some snow in Japan this year before I head back to the states.

Anywhere nearby Kyoto where it’s already snowing?

  1. The nearest would be the mountains at Ishikawa and Toyama, but I think it’s not much. I suggest you go to Hokkaido. It’s probably snowing right there.

  2. [https://www.snowjapan.com](https://www.snowjapan.com) is your friend. Sure, it’s about reporting falls at ski resorts and maybe you just want to sightsee, but if you look up the resort on Google Maps you can generally get the gist of where it has/is snowing.

  3. Dude… It’s snow… Snow is up high or north. Or up high and north. And on the west coast more so.

    So… Idk man just go up and vaguely left.

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