Which kanji dictionary is better in your opinion?

Uhmm hello, sorry. I’m in a dilemma regarding which I should get between “The Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary: Revised and Expanded” and “The Kodansha Kanji Dictionary”. Both are good, I prefer the first one actually because I like reading the Japanese script instead of furigana, but the 2nd one has more kanji…


Other kanji dictionary suggestions are welcome too :3

  1. Not a dictionary for specifically kanji but also has kanji meanings, readings and stroke order. It can be used offline, has no ads, and is simple.

    Takoboto. Would wholeheartedly recommend; works like charm for me.

    If you were talking about physical books sorry that I missed the topic……

  2. it deppends, you how far you want to learn japanese, the first is simpler, the later is more complete, but they are not by a long shot everything you need if you dk want do understand literature in detail.

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