Duskin free sample

Has anyone here gotten free samples from Duskin? I just had someone at the door Hand me two of their products as ‘free sample’. I was too confused to say anything and now I’m sitting here with two dusters lol
He told me if I didn’t need them anymore I could just give them a call and they take it back or something along the lines.

  1. How I think it works: they want to sell you a subscription, like they’d deliver 2 dusters every week/month, and the first set is free.

    Why dusters? Who knows? “Duskin Doughnuts” would have been much cooler!

  2. *I saw three of these dusters a short time ago. They were waiting for a train. Inside the dusters, there were three men.*

    *Inside the men, there were three bullets.*

  3. When they come back they will ask did you enjoy the product? Would you like to subscribe and all that sales talk stuff. Just politely refuse them if you don’t want to buy them, they won’t push further.

    And a bit of advise, do not open your door to salesman.

  4. The sad news is that with your kindness at the door you’ve basically invited them to come again and again for a couple of months until they give up (or you sign up). There is no such thing as a free lunch. If you want to cut them off at the knee you refuse free samples, give them a very angry foreigner stare, and don’t sugarcoat your saying no. If you want your peace you want to be stricken off their list and that’s the fastest way to get there.

  5. The cleaning products from Duskin are rental products. They didn’t give you free samples so much as free-trial items, I’m guessing. They will most likely be back to collect them in the near future.

    We have a Duskin dust brush here on a monthly rental. It’s actually a good brush. They collect the dirty brush head every month and replace it with a clean one. Duskin provides cleaning supplies and services to my husband’s dental clinic, that’s how we ended up with one of their brushes here.

    Perhaps next you’ll get a free sample pack of yogurt drinks from Yakult.

  6. They’re okay, it’s just standard door-to-door salesman stuff. They’ll come back in a few weeks and ask about how their products were, and whether or not you’d be interested in anything else in their line. To be fair, I actually like their sink-attachable water filters. You get a filter swap every month, and it’s slightly overpriced compared to the store but you get the convenience of never needing to wonder if your filter is old.

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