Visa renewal documents for category 3 and 4 companies?

When renewing your residency, for category 3 or 4 companies, what kind of document exactly do I need to request from my company to meet this requirement? Is a contract enough?

> One of the following documents that clearly defines the activities of the applicant:
> In cases where a labor contract is being executed:
> Documents which state that the working conditions are compliant with Article 15, Paragraph 1 of the Labor Standards Act, and Article 5 of the Ordinance for the Enforcement of the Labor Standards Act.

From here: [Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services | Immigration Services Agency of Japan](

In Japanese:

> 労働基準法第15条第1項及び同法施行規則第5条に基づき、労働者に交付される労働条件を明示する文書 1通


I’m sure there are a lot of “it depends” answers to this, but if anyone has a general “most of the time X will do” answer, I’m just looking for something actionable to tell my company :/

  1. Show them the site. It was actionable enough for my company to submit things. It wasn’t enough for me to get my visa but that’s something that can be dealt with weeks down the road.

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