Fun fact for me: japanese is easier than english

Hey guys i am currently learning kanji and i am beginning to notice that japanese is easier to learn than english XD

To clarify i am brazilian and i learned english when i was 16/20 just playing games and translating,now i am trying my best in japanese with 26 because i plan to travel there someday but i think japanese is a lot easier for a brazilian than japanese is for a english speaking,i think thats because the words in both japanese and brazilian have the same sound,except for special cases like chi or ji pronounced in my language like ti and di,aside from that everything is the,like i can speak the name Ryu Ga Gotoku or Shin Megami Tensei the exect same way i would speak in portuguese,its a lot easier then english where words and letters are a lot different,another example on english is the name Like a Dragon,for a proper english pronunciantion i would have to say Laique a Dregon.

TL,DR: japanese words and “letters” have the same sound as brazilian words thus making It a lot easier to speak and learn than english

1 comment
  1. Same with finnish! Copied from Google:

    >There are remarkable similarities between Finnish and Japanese. Both languages have vowel harmony, are agglutinating in structure (stringing suffixes, prefixes or both onto roots), use SOV word order (Finnish has no strict word order), and lack grammatical gender.

    There are jokes in finnish, “what’s [blank] in Japanese? It’s [insert finnish that sounds like Japanese]”

    “What’s car mechanic in Japanese? “Hajosiko Toyotasi” = “did your Toyota break down”

    Though, the finnish J makes the same sound than Y in japanese, and Y in finnish is a vowel that’s similar to the german ü

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