How do I quit my part-time job on short notice due to health concerns?

Hi everyone,

I started a job as a part-timer at a pretty big restaurant in Roppongi about a month ago. The restaurant is bustling during all times of the week. I was told this would be the case but didn’t think much of it.

I was proven wrong.

Today after work, I felt dizzy and fatigued for the sixth time in total. For reference, I have worked about 5 hours for 15 days up to now, and 6 times is too much for such a short timeframe. My sleeping time in total has increased from 8 hours to 13 hours as well. Generally, it feels like my health has been going down the drain ever since I started the job.

There are no breaks and I am basically moving around the restaurant for 5 hours straight without sitting down.

The managers in charge have been checking on me but the work has just been exhausting me to a point where I can’t imagine myself going to work again for even a single day.

How do I quit while causing the least amount of possible damage?

  1. Normally, according to labor law, a worker can quit at any time by telling the employer at least two weeks in advance that he or she wants to resign, but he or she can also quit immediately by waiving the right to receive wages for those two weeks.
    If you are entitled to paid leave, though, it is best to use it.

  2. Honesty is the best policy. Just explain that you can’t function in the job anymore, and quit. It’s not your responsibility to find a replacement.

    Also, what did the doctor say?

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