Looking for recurring event venue in Tokyo

I help out with a monthly English-language event that brings together interesting speakers, a curious audience, and a bar on Friday nights called [Nerd Nite Tokyo](https://tokyo.nerdnite.com/).

Pre-pandemic, we would have 80+ attendees each month, and were very lucky to have an event space in central Tokyo that we could afford (we’re all-volunteer and have no sponsors, at least not right now). We’re having successful events right now with a smaller crowd in a smaller venue in Kawasaki, but still hope to find something that fits us better and is located in a place that may draw in a larger crowd.

Does anyone have recommendations or introductions for a space that can comfortably seat 80+ people in central Tokyo, is affordable, has Wifi and presentation equipment, can stay open until 11 PM on Friday nights, and is comfortable with either selling alcohol and snacks or letting us do so? We can, of course, promote sponsoring organizations during the event.

1 comment
  1. >Does anyone have recommendations or introductions for a space that can comfortably seat 80+ people in central Tokyo, is affordable, has Wifi and presentation equipment, can stay open until 11 PM on Friday nights,

    Might want to define what affordable is. Most hotels have conference space available for rent that can easily seat 80+ people and has wifi and is open. BUT affordable? Depends on what you consider affordable.

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