Research Interview Invitation

Hi everyone, I am conducting research for my TESOL masters dissertation and am looking for participants. I would like to invite anyone who is currently teaching in Japan, or has at least one year of teaching experience in Japan within the last 3/4 years and has completed a TEFL course or some form of training (e.g. CELTA, DELTA). Please send me a message or reply to this post if you meet this criteria and would be willing to take part in an online interview (30-40 minutes). Alternatively, feel free to ask me any questions you may have. Thank you for taking the time to read my post.

  1. Before I’d agree, I’d want to know what the research is about. Could you post more details?

  2. Would you be kind enough to actually provide details as to your research area, what the interview will entail, and how the data will be used.

    As you are going for your masters, I would hope that you follow standard academic procedures regarding properly identifying yourself an your research before soliciting participation.

    Elsewhere you state

    > I’ll be asking about your training prior to teaching out in Japan, your teaching roles/experiences and the differences in methodology/approach between japan and the west you may have noticed.

    So will you be asking us to compare the education we experienced in our home countries to how we are teaching in Japan? Or are you looking for people with teaching experience in multiple countries.

    Also (as I think this will greatly affect the type of responses you receive) are you looking for main teachers (i.e. T1/educators who plan and execute lessons in line with the government curriculum), or are you also open to hearing the experience of ALTs (who, depending on their situation, may have limited input on methodology choices and/or may have only limited contact with their students.)

    Finally (and, again, I would think this important) what level of education are you looking to research? I suspect the answers you get from, say a Gr. 6 teacher might vary considerably from a university lecturer….

  3. If you’re interested in hearing from an MA TESOL that’s taught both in the states and (currently) in Japan I may be interested in participating. I’ve don’t a bit of team teaching, but the vast majority of my experience is solo teaching Jhs, Shs, and college level ESL for students studying abroad in the US.

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