Koseki Tohon (戸籍謄本) document to renew two children’s passports

As I’m going through the bureaucracy now to update both my children’s Japanese and American passports, would I need to request two documents of four?

It’s been awhile since I’ve had to deal with the dreadful embassy. If anyone knows whether or not each child requires their own 戸籍謄本 for the application process, then you would have saved me a headache and 900 yen that could be spent on ramen or 3 Jim Beam cans of highball.

  1. I would normally recommend you to just call and ask but the American embassy hates its own citizens and makes it really difficult to get a human on the phone, and when you do they insist that *everything* is written on their website (Spoiler: >!it’s not!<) and won’t actually answer the question.

  2. I don’t recall US needing a koseki touhon for passport renewal. IIRC just the certificate of birth abroad plus both parents present is good enough.

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