Does anyone have dual Line accounts?

My hubsand and I are opening a small business that requires us have easy contact with our clients, and we all know Line is basically it. But I’m not super keen on mixing the business people and my personal people. Is there any way anyone knows to use (without having to sign in and out!) double accounts on the same phone? Sorry if this isn’t the right place to ask, but since Line is so popular here I figured why not. (Becoming an “official account” won’t work because you can’t message back and forth.) Thanks in advance!

  1. Some android phones have dual messenger feature (I know recent-ish Samsungs do). For iPhone, I don’t think there’s a way. Make another account on a different device.

  2. Many phones support dual SIMs but even in that case you can only have one Line account on a same device. Your best option would be to use the dual SIM with SMS instead of Line or if you really want to use Line then two devices will be needed.

  3. If you’re willing to use an Android device, most of the new devices have the option to clone apps. This is called app cloning or parallel apps (depends on the manufacturer). I use an android (OnePlus) with 2 Whatsapp and Line accounts 😀

    PS: there are 3rd party apps that allows you to clone apps too

  4. LINE@, now LINE Official Account, app should be what you need. It does allow you to message too. Give it a try.

  5. Android now allows for native cloning of apps – you can clone Line and have two separate versions of it on your phone. I don’t know how the iOS environment operates, but before you could do this natively there were apps that could be downloaded that would create clone apps on your phone for dual accounts.

    For Line you’ll need a phone number you can use to register the account. If you have a tablet, even if the tablet doesn’t have phone capabilities the SIM card will have a phone number attached to it. All you need is to be able to receive the registration SMS that Line sends.

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