Garbage collection company (airb&b)

Anyone happen to know anything about garbage collection companies? We are applying for an airb&b license in shibuya-ku, and they are being really strict this time, and insist we get a private (licensed) gomi collection service. The 4 we have called have either not replied, or said the street is too narrow.

  1. how do you guys take out your garbage if the street is too narrow? maybe stake out the garbage guy one morning and ask them if they know someone who can provide private service.

  2. Airb&b is ruining the rental and housing markets worldwide. Stop it and just rent it out, or better yet sell it.

  3. Well, you already looked for the 事業ごみ companies operating for your address it seems? I was actually surprised you could contact 4 of them. There are a lot of garbage collection company, but at least in Fukuoka, they have a well defined collection area.
    That they refused does not bode well, though… Any other businesses in your street you could ask?

  4. If you run a business then you need to do a private garbage.
    The same thing as a hotel. Your guests don’t pay the city tax for the local garbage collector.

    You might be able to get away with saying that you’re going to personally collect the garbage and take it to the dump.

    But then just do the asshole thing and dump it in with the local garbage but if you get caught you’ll have to pay a fine.

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