I want to pass the JLPT N1 as fast as possible like about 3 years from now and I’ve been studying for about 5 months so far and I was thinking about buying the “Skin Karen Master JLPT N1 set” but since I’m still kind of a beginner should I buy the N3 set first instead and then in about a year buy the N1 set
I was thinking maybe the N1 has almost everything I need to learn and that buying a lower level would be a waste of time and money since my ultimate goal is passing N1 but maybe there’s some more essential beginner vocabulary in like the N3 set that wouldn’t be taught in the N1 set or would everything I need to learn for the N1 be in that set?
Hope this question makes since? 😅
1 comment
Each N level has different content that builds on each other. You need to start from N5 and work your way up. You can’t just start at N1 or you’ll be totally lost.