Can Company Take my Work Visa?

I submitted my resignation today.

HR threatened to take my work visa and would sue me for breaching contract, I don’t understand this. I already read my contract and I can quit anytime just give a 1 month notice. They keep asking me for the reason why I told them I just want to take a break to take care of my mental health and go to my relative in Nagoya then HR threatened me that they sponsor my visa and will be taking it. Why would the do this is this true? Or they just trying to scare me?

  1. No, they cannot. It’s not tied to them. They’re trying to scare you into staying. Sounds like a black company.

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    You can quit for any reason, and don’t have to tell them a reason. Worst case scenario, they deny you from taking remaining leave, or give you trouble when you try to get documents they’re required to provide when you leave the job.

    [Post about company refusing to provide documents.](

    [Post explaining how to contact labor bureau if they don’t accept your resignation.](

  2. They can’t take your visa. Just make sure that they don’t have your original passport or visa in their possession and that you also don’t hand it over to anyone from this company for any reason.

  3. They can let the immigration office know that you are no longer working there. When you get a new job, you can update your visa.

    Leaving a contract by giving notice is not illegal. Do they give a reason for sueing? This sounds like a company that has a bullying culture.

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