NJPW running four-day “Oceania Cup” event sponsored by NSW Government in 2023

There isn’t any clarification on whether they’ll be running four wrestling shows or if some of those “event days” will be just “fan engagement sessions,” “appearances from high-profile legend wrestlers,” and/or “an inclusive event for people with disability and elite professional wrestlers from all over the world.”

  1. In fucking Wagga Wagga of all places lmao.

    For the non-Australians, it’s a small (50k-ish population) inland town in NSW. Pretty much half way between Melbourne and Sydney – about a 5-6 hour drive from both of them. Nearest major centre is Canberra about 2.5-3 hours away.

    So yeah, strange choice of location to say the least.

  2. Brisbane haven’t gotten a single NJPW show but fucking *Wagga Wagga* gets one? Make it make sense.

  3. If you look at the website for the promoter GLO Sports, a month ago they posted a press release saying the organisers of the Starrcast events in the US are looking to run something similar here (Aus), partnering with local promotions and internationals like NJPW, AEW, AAA, etc. I’m guessing NJPW took the bait, and the $160k NSW government grant, and here we are.

    Interestingly, Mickie James and Nick Aldis are listed as executive producers. Imagine Mickie James and Nick Aldis appearing on an NJPW-branded show in Wagga Wagga…

    That release also mentions 4th quarter 2023 as the target timeframe, so at this early stage, that’s our only hint as to dates.


  4. I read the conditions of the government funding grant, and it says for Round 2 of the funding (Round 1 ended earlier this year and the events are finished), “Events must take place between 1 July 2022 and 30 June 2023”.

  5. As someone who just moved from Sydney to a small town about an hour out of Wagga, I’m fucking pumped.

  6. Keen for this but theres not much to do in Wagga for 4 days outside of it. The NSW gov + Wagga council could make this the Dark Mofo of wrestling if they’re switched on

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