Found a used electronic I want to buy on Surugaya that is it at a really nice price. The thing is the page for the product is barebones. Litterally just a title with stock photos of the product and no description.
Also no note on the quality of the product and how “used” it is.
How much of a risk am I taking if I were to buy this? Are there any buyer protections if the product ends up being overly dirty and damaged and I want to return it?
Not sure about electronics, but I bought 2 books last month from Surugaya. They came in pristine condition, and if not for the sticker at the back that showed they were secondhand I would’ve thought I bought 2 new books.
After you make payment, they actually take a few days to check over the condition of the item. The email also mentioned that they’ll let you know if they deem the condition of the item unsuitable for sale but it didn’t happen to me and I got my books.
Yes, it’s a fine store. They are barebones, short on staff and lean, but otherwise fine.
I’ve mostly bought books and CDs from them online. I lo problems whatsoever.