Writing katakana when meaning to write hiragana

Is it normal to replace a character with the katakana alternative when handwriting? I do it a lot by accident and a lot of times don’t even notice it until i reread what I wrote. Like for example I just wrote いちばン. I’ve been studying japanese a while but I’ve been practicing my handwriting for language school for almost a month now. I never made this mistake before but now that it seems natural to write in Japanese I’m making even more mistakes lol

  1. Sounds like you got a case of *Hirakana.*

    If you’re still quite early in your Japanese studies then it would be understandable you’d make these kinds of mistakes. I have been studying it for a few years now and I always forget random kana every now and then when I need it the most, like in my end of year exam.

    The best thing you could probably do to avoid this mix-up in the future is to study both charts separately and write a lot more. Start with one set and just keep writing in it after picking a certain topic. This is a pretty helpful website I found that allows you to pick which sets you want to revise https://kana.pro

  2. It’s normal to make mistakes when you’re new to a language, period!

    Just keep studying and practicing. The mistakes will go away as you become more facile with it.

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