Official JREast website(s)?

I was just trying to find some information about various kinds of JR passes available for Shinkansen. I came across many different websites and now I’m skeptical if some of them are even real or just phishing sites. For example:





– (this looks like the same domain, but the login IDs are not same)



Does anyone know what are the official sites? Most of them ask for private information when trying to login/register.

I am skeptical because I just did a domain search for and the WHOIS record shows country as AU (

  1. Yes, these are all legit sites.

    1. This is like THE site
    2. This is what the link says: the timetables
    3. Again, hint in the link: this is for their point service
    4. This is to reserve tickets online
    5. Same as 4, but in English
    6. This is literally a link to download the app
    7. This is just a site specifically aimed at tourists

    Also, JR East will only list the passes for JR East Shinkansens, so, if for example, you wanted one for Kyushu, you need to look up JR Kyushu.

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