Career advice other than teaching?

First, I want to apologize in advance if you think this post is a (little) all over the place. Life’s not vibing with me these days.

I teach at your average shitty international school. Throughout the year my health has been suffering, specifically my tonsil. I’m in need of a surgery but as a broke new graduate I dont really have the luxury to go on a leave with no savings. My contract is about to expire in a couple of months and I plan to endure the constant pain until then since my company would gaslight me for taking a leave anyways. I plan to take a different route after that, but I dont really know where to start.

I plan to spend the next couple of months(ideally) learning a new technical skill, preferably in IT or somewhere. Of course it could extend to a couple more months depending on my condition and skill by then. Im 22, have stayed here for almost 10 years and have spent half of it doing double jobs at customer service. Crappy CV for quitting most jobs less than a year due to sekuharas. For what it’s worth my Japanese is N2…if we talk about listening. Reading and speaking are different stories. I dont really wanna go back into teaching again unless Im physically better and it’s an online hustle. Im willing to learn anything that pays the bills enough and would support my food trips. I will be grateful for any advice or insights regarding this.

  1. You are 22 and stayed for 10 years, so that means you were here since you were 12 ish? Half time time doing customer service work, (starting around 17ish I presume), and you are N2?

    Regardless I think you are still young enough to try to go back to school, either college or senmon gakkou to study IT work and improve your odds of getting into that field.

  2. I am sorry to hear about your health issues, that sounds hard to deal with. Are there people you know and trust and that, importantly, know you? They might give more informative advice than reddit will. Otherwise you need to consider and ideally focus your options a bit so you can better understand if education related to IT skills, or Japanese language, or something else, is the best next step.

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