Altia Second Interview Questions

Hey everyone, so I applied for Altia in late September and have done everything except for the second interview which is on Monday for me. Are there any people here who have done the second interview who can tell me what sort of questions to expect or even just give general tips? I would greatly appreciate it.

  1. I doubt you’ll find a person who has been through the second interview who is also willing to suggest you go through with it.

    Just be prepared to move.

  2. Are the second interviews still done in person or are they done over skype now?
    When I did mine (A few years back), we met at a hotel lobby, sat down for some tea and just had a casual conversation. They want to gauge what kind of person you are. As for questions, I don’t recall exactly, however I do remember one question about whether being a good teacher or being a cultural ambassador was more important as an ALT.

  3. Are you Japanese?


    Cam you stand unassisted?


    Can you say “this is a pen”?



    Congratulations! You can have a job with pay so low that you will barely survive and won’t have any job mobility! Enjoy your two years in Japan!

  4. Altia is big on culture exchange and interacting with students – they call it providing opportunity (for the kids to practice english). They will definitely ask you things like your opinions on the role of an ALT and if you say something including opportunity, assisting, and culture you’ll be fine.

    Everyone is right, don’t say actually teaching english, like grammar. You’re not a licensed teacher, that’s not our job.

    For the Japanese interview, idk what your skill level is but use gestures if its low and don’t slip into english. Like, don’t “give up” and answer in English.

    Here’s some good phrases if your level is low:

    “Yu-kuri onegaishimasu” – please speak slowly

    “Mo ichiro onegaishimasu” – Please say that again

    “Sumimasen/gomen nasai, wakarimasen” I’m so sorry, I don’t understand.

    If you understand the question but can’t answer, you can say

    “Wakarimasu, demo nihongo hanashimasen. Eigo daijobu desu ka?”

    Which roughly means “i understand but I don’t speak Japanese. Is english ok?”

    Good luck, its not that hard truly and Altia is a great company but you will have to move quickly if you’re overseas and its hella expensive.

  5. I have my second interview tomorrow with Altia. I was told the same thing about the demo lesson and Japanese interview. The idea of a casual interview bothers me because I don’t really know how to react. Here’s hoping that we both do well!

  6. Yeah I just sent in my video and communication form. I was wondering OP how long it took you to schedule another interview with them? Good luck on your second interview btw 😊

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