Learning vocab

When I’m learning vocab should I format it like:

Kanji (reading/hirigana) = English translation


Reading/hirigana (Kanji) = English Translation

  1. it doesn’t matter, you need to learn the pronunciation, the kanji, the meaning, the part of speech, and the usage. for some parts of speech like verbs, knowing it’s transitivity and what other particles it is commonly used with is necessary as well. you’ll cycle through different kinds of information over time just out of boredom and needing to mix up the studying, too. so go ahead and pick any ordering that makes sense, and mix it up all you like as you go – only you knows what works for you at the moment.

  2. I use hover-over furigana and make a card like this:


    This tells anki to display 車, but if hover over the 車 character (or touch it on mobile) it will give me the kana hint.

    Though I usually still count the flashcard as “wrong” if I need the hint, it at least lets me have a chance at recalling the meaning from the kana if the kanji doesn’t work out for me.

    If you google “anki hover over furigana” you can learn how to set this up for yourself.

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