LDP considers firing Kishida as PM, reinstating Suga

LDP considers firing Kishida as PM, reinstating Suga


  1. I’m definitely open to Suga getting a second chance. Kishida had some nice ideas and I really liked him for a while, but now that he has started to talk more about his “new type of capitalism” my taste for him has certainly lessened. It would be best if Kishida stepped out now and left a good legacy than if he were to stay and ruin the good things that he has done.

    There is no denying that Suga got the shit-end of the stick and I would be interested in seeing where he would take things if he were to be reinstated as PM. There is no doubt that he would do better under the current circumstances than during his previous term, and at the very least it would be much better than putting someone like Kono or Takaichi in the position.

  2. As predicted, there seems to be a power struggle going on within the LDP now that the de-facto leader and cult-wrangler Abe is out of the picture

    It’s quite possible that Kishida will end up resigning before his 2-year term is over, for better or for worse

  3. To be honest I wouldn’t mind this. Kishida seems to lack fundamental leadership traits with his inability to take a stand and make decisions without worrying about what others think of him. He likes to put on a “people-pleaser” hat but I don’t think he realizes how unsustainable that approach is. Definitely nothing like Abe or even Suga.

  4. I personally don’t like Suga. He always looked tired with those dead eyes and seemed really uncomfortable in international settings

  5. I wasn’t very fond of Suga during his first short-term stint as PM, but I understand the severe conditions and stress he was probably placed under.

    That being said, I’d be open to letting him have another go being that several of the factors are no longer present or have significantly reduced in urgency. I’m also open for someone different.

    Kishida, to me, seems like that guy that relies on the ambitiousness and wow factor of ideas for praise and good press, but is too afraid of any criticism that comes his way, so he opts to not really do much.

  6. Kishida has always been kind of a clown and in addition he is way too friendly with the nonsense from the world economic forum. I am surprised he has not yet been removed.

  7. Except that the article doesn’t talk about “firing” Kishida. Suga is a candidate for Deputy PM at best.

    > 最大派閥を率いる安倍氏との関係を足がかりに、首相と対抗するとの見方もあったが、立ち消えになった。

    > 首相は内閣改造・党役員人事で「党の結束」を演出するため、菅氏を副総理などで処遇するとの臆測も出ている。

  8. How about completely choosing a different party to run the country for more than 1 term

  9. Jesus you could ask Suga what he had for breakfast this morning and he would just start stammering, unable to answer anything without reading off a piece of paper

  10. I just want someone who is able to make concrete decisions without glancing at his voters after every meeting like “I should do this, right?” and just doing fucking nothing.

    The yen is the lowest it could be right now, small businesses are drowning, and it doesn’t feel like any steps are being made to remedy this, because the mega corporations are still keeping afloat, so who gives a shit about the little guys.

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