Allergy testing for kids

Anyone know how much is an allergy test for kids (with no iryosho/government health coverage), just husband’ dependent insurance(shakai hoken)Thanks! —————- (I wrote private insurance because I thought it would be a better English translation sorry for misunderstandings)
Edit: Im getting so much crap hinting at ignorance or regligence. Most of Japan (even more than half the wards in Tokyo) have elegibilty based on income. We surpass that. It’s not me being ignorant.

  1. How do you have a kid without having health insurance or iryosho? Isn’t that necessary?

    My kid’s was free because she had a reaction to egg beforehand (so the test was “medically necessary” I guess)

    She had it don’t twice (a follow up to see if she was still allergic) and free both times. It was the blood test type where they draw blood and send it away to test for a few dozen types of allergies.

    However she has health insurance (a dependent of my husband’s shakai hoken) and Iryosho

  2. Okay reading your response below. You and your spouse and your children are all required to be covered by the NHI system (whether the city run or the company run – for our purposes they operate the same way). You need to get this taken care of immediately. Especially since your children are Japanese nationals.

    It sounds like the children are covered under your husband’s insurance, you should be too. This should cost you NOTHING. There is no increase on your husband’s insurance premium based on having his dependents insured through him. My wife works part time – IIRC she has to make 1,000,000jpy per year before she is no longer elgible to be covered under my insurance/pension.

    With the exception of SOFA and Intracompany Transferees I am unaware of any visa that allows you to live/stay in Japan without paying into (or getting an income based waiver for) the NHI/pension (after 18).

    Also you need to have your pension being covered by his pension contributions as well. If he didn’t set up your kids for his insurance he probably didn’t set you up for NHI/pension either and he needs to take care of that ASAP – you might get a very unwelcome surprise of several years back payments…

    So, in short, you need to get your shit sorted out. If the kids are having allergy symptoms testing/treatment should be covered by their health insurance. For instance my antihistamine for my allergies costs me about 500jpy for 2 months.

  3. At the risk of sounding like a snob I rather sound like one than an idiot. We pull in around and maybe over 30 million income. Most of Japan has income limits( reason why some people in Tokyo for example, care about it what ward they live in according to local services). But most of Japan has some type of limit and it can vary like over 2yrs old or elementary, etc. If no one bothers to look up rules about income limits, of course you won’t find it, and as I said, it can vary by city or ward. Jeez.

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