No contest divorce for US citizens. What’s your experience with time and cost? Lawyer recommendations?

My wife and I are both US citizens (non-SOFA) and got married in MA 2.5 years ago. We live in Okinawa now and decided it’s in our best interest to separate. There are no hard feelings on either side and we have no children or assets to split, so it should be very straight forward. It doesn’t sound like a Ward Office divorce (kyogi rikon) is an option because we’re both US citizens. (*But please let me know if you’ve had success doing that!*)

So that leaves us with the option of going to family court and asking for a divorce from the judge without having to go through a drawn out meditation process. For those of you who have gone through this, what has the experience been like in terms of time and money? Did you have to hire a lawyer or were you able to do it with a translator only? If you had to hire a lawyer, any recommendations for relatively cheap, effective consult?

Please feel free to send me a PM if you prefer. Thanks.

  1. You will need to decide which state you would like to file in. Most states allow you to do it remotely. However finding a notary might be a challenge with you not being sofa status. I have known some people who have gone to either. Hawaii or Guam to do it there.

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